European Environmental Tribunal 
The Origins of the Future


The Meeting The Origins of the Future is promoted by the City of Trancoso, in Portugal, and by the Foundation for the Arts, Sciences and Technology - Observatory.

We want to thanks the support by ASA Art and Technology of London.

And also, we want to thank the inestimable support by INAPA Portugal which, with the offer of the paper, made possible the historical edition of the book PLAN B 2.0 by Lester Brown, in its first translation to Portuguese, that will be launched during the event.

Our most alive thanks to INOVA Artes Gráficas, from the city of Porto, and to Elisabete Borges, which support was also fundamental for the edition of the book, giving the print.

Our warmest thanks to the Hotel Turismo of Trancoso and to Dr. Pedro Cerveira.

To Francis Lapique - at the EPFL Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - who has always helped us in the most generous way, making possible Professor René Berger's lecture through the Internet.

And, finally, our thanks to the Earth Police Institute, to Lester Brown and to Reah Janise Kauffman for the copyrights of the book for this edition, for the enthusiasm and for the brilliant work.

este side foi criado e é mantido pela ASA Art and Technology, Londres